Your Voice in the Legislature
HB 306 – Hate Crimes False Statement
- Scott advocated that it should be a crime for someone motivated by racial hate to make a false statement to the police to get someone in trouble.
HB 223 – Person in Authority Sex Crimes​
​Scott tries to get it to be a crime for those in positions of authority (like coaches) from having sexual relations with 16 and 17 year olds.
HB 445 – Expanding use of Citations
- Scott fought for expansion of the use of citations for certain crimes so that fewer people are arrested.​​
HB 742 – Wrongful Conviction Compensation
- Scott testified so that those who are wrongfully convicted have a chance to get compensation for the time they spent in jail.​​​
SB 14 – Wrongful Conviction Compensation
Creating a system to allow those who were wrongfully convicted to be compensated.
SB 400 – Hate Crimes
- Clarifying that making a false statement to law enforcement about a crime can be a hate crime. Unfortunately, this did not pass.
SB 505 – Expand 1st Degree Child Abuse
Child abuse that occurs more than once should be treated more harshly. Scott helped pass which made committing three abuses of a minor over time a felony punishable by more jail time.
SB 515 – No Sex Offenders School Property
- Seems like a given. Scott testified to a horrible situation in a Baltimore County School and helped pass a law to keep registered sex offenders off of school property.​
SB 629 – Wire Tap Violation
- Scott is trying once again to make a common sense change in the law. Recording audio on your phone should not be a felony.​
HB 671 – Expand Citation
Scott helped pass a law that allows police to give more citations and make fewer arrests.​
SB 569 – Intercepted Communications
Scott tries once again to make audio recording of someone with your phone not a felony and lowering the sentence.​
HB 1096 - Sexual Assault Evidence Collection Kit​​
Requiring that sexual assault kits be tested unless certain requirements are met.
SB 726 – Cyberbullying – Grace’s Law (did not pass)​
The internet can be a dangerous place for our children. Here Scott advocates for expanding the law against cyberbullying to protect our children.
SB 769 – Sextortion​
Scott supports the bill to make extorting a former lover by threatening to distribute videos.
HB 1124 – DNA Kits Tracking System​
Scott testifying in favor of creating a tracking system on DNA rape kits so that a victim can know where in the system their evidence is located.
SB 217 – Resistance in Sexual Assaults
Calling Bill List of W’s
32:91 – 39:31 (Senator Kelly and Kevin)
Eliminating the ancient requirement that a rape victim must resist to prove rape​
SB 312 – Repeat Drunk Driving Increase Sentence
Intro then 12:03 – 15:27
SB 349 – Sexual Assault Victims Rights
Start to 6:52:20 then 6:53:00 to 6:57:44
Assuring that certain information is provided to victims of sexual assaults and mandating that DNA sexual assault kits are retained for 20 years.​
Allowing those who committed certain crimes to shield their records so they can get back in the workforce.​
36:6 minutes – 43:45 minutes – Me
Made committing crime with guns tougher including a ban on assault weapons. Watch Scott's testimony after Governor O'Malley.